2013年2月24日 星期日

瑞安比蒂 Go Behind the Scenes of Ryan Beatty’s ‘Every Little Thing’

Go Behind the Scenes of Ryan Beatty’s ‘Every Little Thing’ [VIDEO]

About Ryan Beatty

Ryan Beatty, the 17-year-old singing sensation from Clovis, CA has built an uncanny following and buzz within the entertainment industry as its newest breakout star. Ryan has built a worldwide following with over 30 Million views on YouTube and 230,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel.
Over the last year Beatty has consistently been one of the most-viewed artists on YouTube, his debut single “Every Little Thing” recently hit iTunes and quickly skyrocketed to #56 on the Pop Charts in less than 24 hours. His gifted vocal skills and outstanding live performances have proven that Beatty is an exceptionally talented artist in the music industry.
Beatty is one of the most anticipated new artists in the music industry, with Popstar! Magazine naming him one of the top acts to look out for in 2012, while also placing him on the cover of the November issue alongside Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift. Beatty was also featured as #10 on Billboard’s Next Big Sound chart highlighting the fastest growing artists online.
Beatty’s one-of-a-kind music combines an acoustic sound, mixed with modern old school edge and adds in real instruments for upbeat tempos. His musical inspirations are artists such as John Mayer, Bruno Mars and Jason Mraz.


17賴安·比蒂,喬任梁克洛維斯,CA已經建立了一個不可思議的以下內容,作為其最新的突破明星在娛樂行業的嗡嗡聲。 瑞安已經建立了一個全球的下面,在YouTube上有超過30萬次和23萬用戶他的YouTube頻道


比蒂是最值得期待的新的藝術家在音樂產業中,與流行歌手之一!雜誌命名他2012年的前行為之一,同時也將他的十一月號的封面上塞萊娜戈麥斯和Taylor Swift一起。比蒂也以為特色作為第10在廣告牌的下一個大的聲音圖表,突出增長最快的藝術家的在線。

比蒂之一的一類音樂結合聲的聲音,夾雜著現代的老同學邊和添加真實樂器樂觀的節奏音樂靈感的藝術家,如約翰·梅爾,布魯諾火星和Jason Mraz的

Every Little Thing - Ryan Beatty OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO

