2013年2月12日 星期二

Rihanna 蕾哈娜 Premieres New Music Video 'Stay'

Rihanna 蕾哈娜Premieres New Music Video 'Stay'

Rihanna premieres her "Stay" music video on Monday, February 11, following her emotional rendition of her latest "Unapologetic" single at the Grammy Awards with collaborator Mikky Ekko. In the new clip directed by Sophie Muller, she shows us why she earlier hinted about it being "very emotional" and "personal."

"The video was really, really simple. I pretty much stayed put in a bathtub, and we shot it really tight, really close," she first told Ryan Seacrest on the Grammys red carpet. The 24-year-old Barbadian beauty got stripped down here on all levels. The video itself was quite simple, starring only a physically stripped RiRi sitting inside a bathtub.

The stripping is not only literal but figurative as well, as tight shots show an emotional RiRi with lips quivering and eyes welling up with tears. "It's a very emotional song and it's personal, so you just think about...it's almost like telling a story, and when you tell a story, even to yourself-if you're saying it out loud and expressing how you feel-it needs to be powerful because it needs to be authentic," she said.

Followers of her rekindled romance with Chris Brown presume that it's Rihanna's song for her now-reunited ex-boyfriend. Although it was written by Ekko, if RiRi didn't reveal that piece of info, fans could have assumed she had written it herself, with such lyrics as, "Not really sure how to feel about it/ Something in the way you move/ Makes me feel like I can't live without you/ And it takes me all the way/ I want you to stay."

天使般美麗動人臉龐、融合成熟性感以及天真無邪韻味;她是夏日解渴清涼劑、各大媒體雜誌紛紛封上「最受期待的明日之星」 焦點;Def Jam大頭Jay-Z挖掘力捧的旗下秘密主打武器、集三千寵愛於一身的小公主,她是散發美貌與才華的小可人Rihanna。我們看到了一位立足國際的新彗 星,持續在樂壇發光發熱。 出生於英屬西印度群島之一的巴佩道斯島,就在名製作人Evan Rogers陪伴跟Rihanna同鄉的老婆回島上過聖誕節時,經友人引薦Rihanna,就在Evan遊說下前往紐約錄製DEMO帶,接著如同麻雀變鳳 凰的戲碼,在穿針引線給Jay-Z後,開始繽紛上演。

 Rihanna - Stay
